Suspend mit Nvidia

How to use suspend to disk or RAM with the binary NVidia drivers

To use suspend with the binary only driver for NVidia graphics cards, you need to take some extra precautions. Note that this apparently does not work on all NVidia graphics chipsets, YMMV:

Install NVidia drivers

Download the NVidia driver with Yast Online Update, configure the card for 3D with sax2. You might need a fairly recent version of the NVidia driver, I tested with version 1.0.7167. Reading Stefan Dirsch’s nvidia-installer-howto ( is highly recommended.

Enable NvAGP

Put the line

Option "NvAGP" "1"

in the "Device" section, after the line ‚Vendor Name "NVidia"‘ in /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Prevent vendor AGP modules from being loaded.

SUSE 9.3 and older

Remove any reference to the AGP modules from /etc/sysconfig/hardware:

   # cd /etc/sysconfig/hardware
# grep agp *

Now edit the file found with the grep command (here: hwcfg-vpid-8086-3340) and change "STARTMODE=’auto’" to "STARTMODE=’manual’". You might also want to remove the line "# HOTPLUG-FLAG: autocreated" to make this configuration persist future updates.

SUSE 10.0

Find out which agp module is currently loaded by running

 # lsmod | grep agp

Typical names are intel_agp, sis_agp, via_agp etc. Please ignore agpgart here.

Mark this agp module as blacklisted in /etc/modprobe.conf.local. Example:

   # blacklist agp module
blacklist intel_agp

Note: /etc/hotplug/blacklist is still there to do the same but will be deprecated soon.

Reboot and check

Reboot and make sure that the agp module is no longer loaded by running

 # lsmod | grep agp

again. There should be no vendor_agp module (e.g. intel_agp, sis_agp,…) listed, except "agpgart".

Note: AGP support will only work with chipsets, which are supported by the nvidia kernel module. Otherwise AGP support will be disabled! Check this with "cat /proc/driver/nvidia/agp/status". If there is no line "Status: Enabled", then AGP support is not available. The graphics card will work without AGP, but performance will be bad.

During suspend to disk, when the drivers get suspended, the display is switched off (and on notebooks this means also the backlight) but it is not switched back on when the drivers are resumed to write the image. This means that you will not see any progress indicator during suspend and if suspend fails (it should not 🙂 you will not see any error. There is not much we can do about this right now, just wait until the disk stops writing and the machine turns itself off. After resume from suspend, the driver is resumed correctly and the display and backlight is turned back on.


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